Here is the proof the we were actually there:-) Holden likes to investigate the ground where ever we go:-)Tom wanted Holden to have his first rock climbing experience:-) Looks like a natural, like his daddy...
Here Holden sits atop Yosemite Falls looking over the valley...He looks so big!
It was a fun day...Holden missed all of his naps so he had a bit of a meltdown on the way to mirror lake...BUT Tom graciously took him back to the car, and let me go on, which was really nice because I had never been on that walk before...
This was a scaled down trip as we were traveling with two little ones under two...but we still had fun...We had lunch at The Ahwahnee, and drove and walked to many sites...Hard to believe the last time Tom and I were there was right after we were married...5 years ago! Last time we camped and hiked until I was so tired I just fell into the tent to sleep...this time was low key but I was still exhausted at the end of the day;-P go figure!
Wow! I don't know how you could look at that picture and not believe in God! That's awesome! The pictures of Yosemite are great too ;)
What gorgeous pictures! I am a bit jealous that you guys live so close to all this slendor. Sigh... and you guys rock climb TOO!? We are so excited. If ever you want to come climbing with us at the gorge you are so welcome here.
Great pictures, as usual!
Sweet shots. Even though I have been there 3 times, it still looks so fake, like it is a Disney park or something. How amazingly beautiful and awesome that it is real.
How did Holden do with the long drive? When we did it with Lucas, he screamed for half the trip.
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