Thursday, February 08, 2007

Is it even worth it?

If you only make it to the gym once a week is it worth going? This is what I have been asking myself...Since having Holden that seems to be the most I have energy for and time...good thing he is VERY entertained when I dance around the room like a crazy person...At least I am burning calories doing that!
On a side note...Holden has eaten Cereal, Avocado, Mango, and Banana and he seems to like it all! Fun stuff...:-)


Amanda Lomonaco said...

Yeah, I am trying to figure out including exercise, too. A gym membership hasn't been worth it for me, though. It would be a waste of money to go as little as I can. Let's try going for walks maybe once per week for something once my kids are better perhaps. It's something.

Staci said...

YES! It's worth it. 1 day is better than nothing. (this is from your personal trainer friend ;)