Sunday, February 11, 2007

Rub a Dub Dub

Holden LOVES the least now he does...he hated it at first...but now that he can sit up I put him in the sink and he plays for quite a while! We have had a rough week, including one night of no sleep! We are talking asleep at 8:30 awake at 11:30...still awake and screaming at 3:30...finally down to sleep again shortly after but crying out and thrashing around all night(morning?) after that...I had to sleep with him in the guest bed, just for him to even settle down...ironically the night before he slept 9 hours straight? What the heck? Anyway, back to the bath....
Hey mom I'm freezing in here! Not really sure what he is doing here...

Have to have the washcloth on the head picture...looks like he is about to climb out on his own!

Take that Mr. Ducky! Grrrr!
Oh and not pictured here (I couldn't get to the camera in time) the morning after the no sleep incident, I put Holden in his jumper...and he fell asleep while sad the little guy was so tired he just put his head down on the tray and fell asleep...poor guy...
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Anonymous said...

Holden is soooo cute!

Staci said...

Lol! Did you get a nap while he was in the jumper too? Probably not! Love the bath pics! You must have a deep sink!

Anna said...

Thats the shallow side!

Amanda Lomonaco said...

Gotta love those big blue eyes. He's so handsome.

Sapphire, Dana, Karalee & Alastair said...

Love the pics! Especially the one where he's "eating" his duck! Lol