Anyway, its over 90 out and I wasn't looking forward to going outside...BUT knowing its one of his favorite places I did...figuring I might fill the plastic pool and let him play...instead I spotted the hammock in all its shaded glory! So I took him over there...he normally tolerates the hammock for a few minutes but then gets irritated because I won't let him throw himself off it...
OK back to my story...we sit down and begin to swing...Holden giggles with delight...when a few minutes later is bored...so he climbs around for a while...ticked because his feet keep going through the holes...he cries...I put him facing out on me and swing with all my might...saying "wee" the whole time this is fun...then not so...then I turn him around and let him jump(read him moving his legs, me lifting him up and down...he loves it!) Then all of the sudden he stops...and snuggles in, yep that's right SNUGGLES in...ah the best feeling in the world your little one with his head on your chest...cooing...
So figuring this is a fleeting thing...I start humming...then I tell him about how much we love him, and about Jesus....then I sing Amazing Grace...yep still snuggling:-) so we hum and talk and are out there for probably 45 minutes...just snuggling (can you tell I LOVE that part), finally Holden closes his eyes and goes to sleep...I lay there for a while just thanking God...for an amazing son, for an awesome family, but most of all for loving this little boy so much more than I ever could (which is so unfathomable!) I LOVE days like this:-)

This past week, friends near and far have needed prayer...prayer for things that make you stop and ask why? things that make you feel so helpless...It makes you stop and realize we are not in control, God is...I think we (read I) always forget that until something happens when I feel so helpless that ALL I can do is pray, when in reality I should be praying ALL the time because we are never truly in control...Some of the things we prayed for ended how we wanted, some ended in pain and sorrow, and some have not ended...It's so hard sometimes to remember that God never intends harm for us...especially when we don't understand...But it's true...just as true as God's love for us...and His pain at our pain...Tom and I started a new prayer which we pray separately everyday, it includes prayer for the spiritual and physical welfare of our spouse, and our son...I have trouble praying for something and then letting it go completely...I pray and "give it to God" only to very quickly reach back and take it back with worry...Anyways, I am rambling...just wanted to share...
Thank you for those words. I needed to hear them today.
Anna, I love reading your posts. You have such a way with words and today you have said exactly what I needed to hear. I guess this is why God has led us all into eachothers lives and with us never meeting face to face.
Oh and btw, Holden is adorable. You take beautiful pictures of him. I love those snuggle times as well.
Anna, I really appreciate your blog and how you are often relating things, especially time with your son, to God. I often need the reminder in the midst of all of my stress and worries.
Thank you!
P.S. Maybe we can get together for a play date next week and do pictures, too.
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