This is blog is WELL overdue...Valentine's week, Beth is always busy, being a floral designer and all...so I had the opportunity to watch MJ...Those of you who live near us may know that MJ reminds me a lot of myself...and lets just say sometimes her intensity brings out a part of my personality I am not proud of...but alas both of us are growing up, and learning how to play together;-P Maybe its me starting to act my age (30) and her being um 2...Really MJ is such an amazing little girl...I had so much fun with her and Holden on this day! We blew bubbles, hung out outside...

and then we came in and danced...She is so cute! I love how Beth dresses her, and how she has her 'tude to go with her look:-) Anyway, dancing...ah yes...it seems to entail running around in circles and getting lots of energy about...But I did say she was amazing right? This 2 year old knows every word to "country roads" by John Denver...EVERY word people! She knows several other songs too...but anyway running around "dancing"...and then Holden gets into it and informs us all in his LOUD voice, that he is a "Kazy Man!"

Seriously who needs TV or movies when you have a 1 and a 2 year old at your disposal for entertainment?

So thank you dear MJ for a wonderful afternoon, I can't wait to see the girl you are blossoming into, and to see what you do with all that spunk and intensity! I am so glad I get to watch you grow daily! Watch out world!
1 comment:
Thanks Tante Anna for putting up with my drama. Sometimes my exuberance gets the best of me. But I sure do love dancing with Holden Thomas!
Love, MJ
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