So obviously we did a little sledding in the snow...Tom went down it first...I was convinced he was going to end up in the road...But he didn't...The sled "run" was more like a drop...but it was fun:-)

Although I am still suffering from a cut I sustained on my hand from the sled or ice...who knows...I am such a wimp...just like when I ride roller coasters at the top I was like, "I DON'T WANT TO!" But once I went down I said, "LET'S DO THAT AGAIN!" silly girls...The kids both went down it no problem...although Holden's face at the bottom wasn't quite a look of shear joy...

We look like we are deep in the snow...I would show you the next shot...but its not so flattering of me trying to get out of the snow...

Back to the title of this post...Apparently unknown to me, and his family Tom has had some childhood dream of digging a tunnel in snow...I guess in Connecticut it hardly snows enough to really do anything with...so he always wanted enough snow to dig a tunnel...well we had enough snow...and apparently he had the energy! With a little help from Josh his dream was realized! Here he is mid dig...

Finally made it through!

Posing by his handy work!

The kids had to check out the tunnel...don't fret see Grandpere there behind Holden...he was safe...no collapsing would happen on his watch!

MJ is a "BIG GRILL" she went through all by herself...This trip was such fun...we really couldn't have asked for a better trip, the cabin was awesome, complete with a huge airplane hanging from the ceiling...and the weather really was great! I am ready to go again!
That looks like so much fun! Yeah for digging a tunnel!
Wow, great pics! Holden is getting SO big! It goes so fast! How are you guys doing? We miss you! And, yes, Tom is right, we could never dig a tunnel with the snow out here! Take it easy :) Love MJ's hat
Looks like so much fun. My brother lives in Truckee. What a beautiful city... I love it up there. I love your blog. Thanks for your diligent posts.
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