Monday, April 07, 2008

Ding Dong the couch is gone...

The new one arrives Wednesday! This one is older than Tom and I both (we're the same age...I guess that's not saying much!) We got it from family when we got married...we were only supposed to "borrow" it for a year...umm...That was FIVE + years ago...I asked the lender/giver if she wanted it back...thank goodness the answer was no! This couch is past it's prime...I guess if you covered it and replaced the cushions it could be salvaged...But I wasn't going to do it...I am so glad its's been a good couch for us...and a good infant couch, since we never really worried what happened to it! Hopefully I won't be a crazy plastic covered couch lady with the new one!

So bye, bye old couch!...

1 comment:

Kris said...

Haha! I think Chad and I had a peice of that couch at one point!

My oh my, what a life that couch had!