Tuesday, September 30, 2008

I have a boy!

So Eric Carle has some cool bug books for kids...This last trip to the library we got The Very Quiet Cricket...in that book is a Preying Mantis, and Holden didn't think much of it...well he LOVED the book...but this creature didn't stand out to him until...we met this guy...He was hanging out on out Lorepedulum outside, when I so rudely tried to trim his branch, so he jumped to the Camellia, and allowed us to observe him for quite some time...

Holden was in awe...He wanted to touch him...I had to explain that most bugs don't WANT to be held:-) Everyone who he saw that week got to hear about the "peying mantis". This guy hung out around our door (there happens to be a web, in our front pot I have been meaning to get) for a few days we would see him everytime we went out or came in...Holden was in little boy bliss...Yep I have a boy!

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