Wednesday, September 02, 2009

One Month...

Can it really be? My baby is one month old? Time goes SO fast! Especially with two kiddos! One month ago I was afraid this baby would never come...I was afraid I would have to be induced...but then 8 days after an expected due date, Mr. D came and joined us! What a joy he is...A challenge and a joy...

Most who know me know that I don't do the newborn stage well... might do ok, BUT I love when they get a bit older and can start communicating, and hanging out is fun :-) This stage where you have to guess what the cries mean, and you don't feel confident in your abilities, I wouldn't trade them, but they are really hard for me...I love the snuggling and the smallness(although Daniel seems HUGE to me!) But I hate not feeling like I know what to do...

So many things are easier this time, because I have done it before, but some things are different...Like a sleepless night is not followed by a day of naps, but by a day filled with my 3 year old! Which I love having both of them...its just hard...

Their are so many joys though...Watching Holden come into the big brother roll...watching him own it:-) He gives Daniel big kisses, brings him toys to "play" with, runs to him when he cries, telling him, "it's OK big brother is here" Those moments melt a heart...

And Daniel, well, he has his smiles...yes already, they just started this week...the real I am smiling at something(mostly the fan, but sometimes mommy) smiles...he is amazingly strong, and loves to look around...we had a few rough weeks but we have a few things figured out and I feel like we may have turned a corner and are figuring ourselves least for this week:-)

One thing I love about this stage and I loved with Holden, is looking at this little guy and knowing that God created him for a purpose, and for us to care for. He picked us as his parents, and that is amazing! I spend a lot of time worshiping and praying in the middle of the night and again its a sweet, sweet time with my son and my God...It's truly amazing how God uses children to shape us, and teach us...I think parenthood as in any circumstance when God is pruning and shaping is a challenging but so amazing season...


April said...

Anna, he is absolutely beautiful! I can't wait for it to be my turn. I will welcome all and any advice you will have for me. Love and miss you, April

Staci said...

I love the pictures. I also totally agree with you about God using kids to shape us. As much as I hated missing out on sleep...I loved my middle of the night praise sessions with God and my little one!