Monday, October 26, 2009

Trunk or Treat - Costume #1

We have made it a tradition to do Trunk or Treat with Beth and Josh...Last year we helped them with a "trunk" and this year due to two new babies we went simply as guests...Holden wanted to be a spider again so he wore his costume from last year...MJ was a ladybug again, although her costume was new...

Before we headed out, we took some pictures of our ladybug and our spider in their garden:-)

Spinning was a big part of the ladybug and spider's day...

Testing out his legs

Spiders climb on fences don't they?

This face is SO Holden right now...he's probably saying something like, "I'm going to get/crush/pow/shoot you!"  or something of that sort...

And again...we have the VERY grouchy ladybug:-)

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