Sunday, September 12, 2010

Rub a Dub Dub Two Boys in a Tub:-)

The tub...A cleaner off a dirt, and bad attitudes...I remember with Holden when he was small bathtime was almost always at 530pm, before daddy got home and we had dinner, he needed it, I needed it to make it through till bedtime. It's crazy how a little water and some bubbles can change a little ones attitude! So now Daniel is the one I throw in the tub when nothing else seems to work and it's too close to bedtime for a nap, but too early for actual bedtime:-) This is what we did shortly after dinner last night:-)
He really does love the bath...Not sure what these faces are for!
sheer joy!
ALWAYS something to investigate!
There that's better!

His Beard like daddy:-)

1 comment:

Amber Joy said...

Daniel has the best faces. He is so funny. I am so looking forward to this with our 2 kids. Axel loves the shower and bath. Water is wonderful, isn't it?