Wednesday, December 15, 2010

12.15.10 | December Photo Project

"O Come, O Come Emmanuel"  We are a little behind on our Advent weekly Devotions, but last night we did the first week.  It was great talking to Holden about what Christ's birth means for our life, about His birth and about the time He comes again.  
Sometimes, I wish I could record ALL his funny sayings.  When he was talking about Jesus death on the cross, he stated that "After 3 days He rose from the dead"  followed by, "but MJ says that's not true, she says it was 2 days.  Why does she say that?"...I love hearing them debate their bible facts:-)  they are 4 and 5, so of course each one remembers the stories their own way.  
Tom's mom shared the following story with me Monday, "As he was telling Jonah and the Whale, he came to the part where the wind came up….'and when the wind came up, it blew air conditioning right into that whale for Jonah.'"

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