Thursday, December 23, 2010

12.23.10 | December Photo Project

Holden REALLY wanted you to see his SOCK:-)  Tonight he and I headed off to Auburn, where we attended with Beth, Josh, MJ , and Miss A, a Gold Rush Christmas Eve, complete with a Bluegrass band.  Gotta love the diverse churches around here:-)  Nothing like hearing a couple "gold miners" telling the Christmas story.  There was the band, the drama, some singers, some dancers, and a little talk on the "true" meaning of Christmas.

Holden enjoyed it in his jumping, and fidgeting BOY way.  On the way home, when I asked if he learned anything new tonight he said, "No was I supposed to?" followed by, "Mom, we already know about Jesus and what His birth means, why do we need to go listen to it over and over"  Of course followed by a LONG conversation of why it is good to be reminded of Jesus and what He did for us, COMPLETE with many more questions!  LOVE this boy!

Looking forward to being with our church family tomorrow and again hearing the story of GOD'S SON being born in a manger.  And singing praises to our God and King who's PROMISE rings true always.  

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