Wednesday, July 10, 2013

The Birthday Party

Tonight I took Holden to a birthday party of twin classmates, and former neighbors.  Two of his best friends according to him.  Tonight I fully soaked in my son, who he is, who God is making him to be, and what a TREASURE he is.

From the time he arrived his smile was ear to ear, and he talked to EVERYONE.  NONSTOP.  It really is such a joy to observe such confidence and strength in my son.  The same boy who such a short time ago cried every time I dropped him off at preschool.  Who took a year of said to preschool to engage at all, to stop sitting on the sidelines observing and jump with both feet in to life.  

He is almost 7, where has the time gone.

Tonight he learned that he could tread water, Tonight I learned that he is strong, he can conquer his fears, and many he already has.  The moment we were let into the aquatic center he and his friend ran to the water slide(neither had ever been on one), I wondered if he would go for it when he got to the top, I now have no doubt that he will, once he is tall enough.  Yup, he and his friend got turned away because they were 1" too short.  He handled it with grace and said, "maybe next year"

God was there, He always is.  This sky, I will never look at it the same after hearing the story and the music of Danny Oertli at camp.  Beautiful.

After swimming for an hour, the kiddos got popsicles, Holden chose a push-up, he's never had one, but I remember them by the pool as a child.  He enjoyed it, but said it was kind of sweet, and kind of slimy:-)

The ROCK STARS, watching your kids make and be with their friends, it's a gift.  I am thankful for the friends he's made, and the mama friends I have made through his boldness.  He really helps a shy mama out! ;-P

Thank you God, for changing my perspective on the day, Thank you for the gift of my boys, they challenge me, and stretch me, but they are a JOY, a GIFT, and my SWEET, SWEET blessings!  Somedays I feel like I could have a million of them:-)  

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