Tuesday, May 01, 2007

9 Months

Holden turned 9 months on Thursday the 26th....Here's what 9 months looks like to us:-)
*Weighs 18lbs 7oz
*28.5" Long
*Crawls like a champ...although still one knee, one foot:-)
*Says mama and means it...is working on dada(he says it but not always at dada)...byebye when he wants to...you can see him trying to repeat what we say...but it usually comes out baba...
*claps and waves...
*pulls up and walks around furniture while holding on...

*has 7 teeth and we have earned every one of them with lost sleep...

*chews on everything in sight...sometimes even mama (ouch)

*likes to cuddle with mama...

*Is all boy, with aggressiveness and sounds

*He loves all shoes clean and dirty...loves to untie laces, and chew on shoes if you will let him...which we don't!

*Is very persistent...especially when we tell him no...the fireplace is tied shut, the stereo is blocked, our speakers are nono's...I am sure there is more...oh yeah he's been banned from our office...

*Likes to investigate where sounds come from...how things work...and LOVES to make noise...with his mouth, with toys...anything!

*He loves to eat...has tried many things...has started eating off mom and dads plate...only what we give him:-) Drinks water out of a sippy cup or straw....

*Puffs or wheels(from Gerber) are big favs as well as crackers (earths best)

*loves yogurt, cheese, banana, most fruit...and many veggies...not sure there is anything he hasn't liked except egg yolk...

*I am sure there is more I am forgetting but you get the idea...we are having a ton of fun with him and watching him grow and discover things:-)


Jamie said...

He sounds so much like Preston, who also loves eating shoes, all food, and mommy...ouch is right!

I'm sure the two would enjoy eachothers company, maybe someday!

Staci said...

He looks so grown up in the high chair!