:He got on our scale last night and i think it said 24 lbs...which usually is a little lower than the Dr.'s:
: Definitely running now:
:Likes to hold our hands while walking:
:still 16 teeth I think, I haven't checked:

:Will eat eggs occasionally, but mostly sticks to his old faves...we eat so many avocados in our house...:
:Likes to share with mommy:
:Actually puts himself to sleep now after a quick nursing session with a "nigh, nigh mommy" and his Fisher Price Aquarium...seriously that was a GREAT shower gift...I think we've used it everyday of his life since 8 weeks!:
:Sleeps a couple hours during the day, and ALL night:-):
:Gives hugs and kisses, usually to daddy and others:-) and loves giving nose to nose kisses and "flies" (butterfly kisses):
: Is starting with simple sentences:
:Knows the color orange, and red...:
:Still LOVES books, thinks all packages contain books, and actually will put them away! This is good because he reads dozens of books a day!:
:Loves the park, is quite sad with the rain right now:
:Still is a happy guy, even if he whines a bit (we are working on it):
:Likes to "help daddy":
:wishes he lived outside I am sure of it!:
What a sweet little guy. I can't believe these babies are getting so old! I can still remember your first few posts on your blog when Holden was just born.
hi robertson family. it's been a while since i've checked in on your blog- we've been so busy with moving, the holidays, and the kids birthdays. today the boys gave me a break and are napping at the same time! it was fun to read the latest and see how Holden has grown. he is darling. i'm impressed by your crafts anna..i especially love the hat!!
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