Friday, August 22, 2008

Mrs. A and Mr. N

So here I was with this new lens...and no subject...I mean I can only take so many "portrait" shots of my 2 year old who would rather run around like a "KAZY MAN!" than sit still for some shots...So whats a person to do...haha I torture my pregnant friend and her 20 month old!

Just kidding I asked and they said sure...I mean who doesn't want a maternity session and some shots of their son? So it worked out for both of us! Yay! I was worried the results would be less than stellar given I was still learning this lens...But I think it turned out great...

Thanks for letting me share these!


Amanda Lomonaco said...

Precious shots. Mr. N and mom look great. I love the one of her holding the blocks over her tummy and the cute GQ one of him!

Amy said...

Aww, Anna, those are GREAT!

MerrittTimes said...

These are awesome Anna. You have such a great eye. I looked all over for the blocks for Amy. Didn't make it to the craft store though. Is that where you got them?