Tuesday, October 14, 2008

My Day in Pictures...and words

Pam's sister was in town for a visit, so she took the day off, which meant I had the kids to myself on Monday so Beth could go to work! It really was such a treat! I had a ton of fun, and as I have been learning my whole journey of motherhood...kids teach us to S...L...O...W... down and that's a good thing!

The morning started out with a snack, even though both had already had full breakfasts and it was only 9 am...it also started with MJ asking..."what can you tell me about these teeth, aunt Anna?" pointing to her incisors...hmm...I had to think a bit...and then after I told her all I know about teeth, she asked, "what else can you tell me about?"

When I was fresh out of ideas...I convinced them to go to the park...they picked to go the long way to the park...so on the way we encountered many dried worms we had to talk about including "why didn't they make it back to the moist?", and "how do they get back to the moist?" You know your typical 3 year old questions...we hit the jackpot when we encountered a worm that wasn't dried up! And we saved it by transferring it back to the grass:-) And I felt like a celebrity when MJ said, " I'm going to tell my mom all the things you taught me, I better make a list so I don't forget anything!"

Seriously where do they c0me up with this stuff!

The park was full of swinging but no play structures on this day instead they spent their time making "meals" out of the wood chips...and birthday cake...with many renditions of happy birthday:-) Then other kids came and it was time to head out...but not before a trip to the park restroom...ugh...this was my first experience and getting in an out doing our business, while Holden touched everything was quite gross...I know I have to get over it as he will potty train one day, but then at least maybe he won't touch everything and ask, "what's this" 100x's! haha who am I kidding!

So we headed home and MJ was ready to do some chalk drawing which I had promised her earlier...she loves to do this with me which is quite fun! We had some lunch and then ventured out...she works on one drawing for a long time...while I true to form work on one finish and quickly think of something else to draw...unless of course she or Holden are quite intrigued by whatever I have drawn and want to instruct me to add to it, or to draw another of the same thing...

The day sped by SO fast and was so fun! We are so blessed to have these kids and I am so thankful that I have the time to spend with both of them...I hope I always have a close relationship with my neice:-) I would love to always have an important part in her life! And I hope she and Holden are always great friends:-)

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