Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Daniel, the Labor...

Of course I had thought I was going to go into labor many nights as I went to bed...But as the days progressed and the appointments kept coming with no more that 2 cm progression, I think I had resigned myself to my last Monday appointment where induction would be discussed and probably scheduled...

On Friday when I had the non-stress test and the ultrasound, and the Dr. checked and confirmed no change...I was devastated...he asked me if he could "stir things up" I agreed, and he proceeded to do something VERY painful, and then was done...said your Dr. will discuss induction on Monday if you don't go into labor before then...Tom was with me and I was depressed...and now I felt yucky due to whatever he had done...

I was one day shy of 41 weeks, and it seemed I wasn't going to progress on my own...All I wanted out of this birth experience was a positive experience...I let go of other expectations...Holden's birth was painful of course, I think it was excruciating with 20 hours of back labor, and it was fearful...My water broke and their was meconium in the fluid which led the Dr.s and nurses to proceed with caution and in the end, he was delivered and whisked away for several hours before I got to really hold him and even try to nurse...I didn't want that again. Now that I know better I realize too that Holden was not tolerating labor very well and I understand more of why the nurses weren't so keen on me having my way on everything, but at the time it was frustrating, and scary...

Anyway, back to Daniel's birth...so Sat morning I woke up feeling YUCKY...very crampy...which I had experienced most mornings for a while...but this time it didn't go away...by that evening I was pretty sure things were starting but I was so tired of talking about it I didn't say anything to anyone...especially since we had a lot of anxious relatives over for dinner that night:-) Sat night I had 2 contractions while sitting on the couch that made me feel like I had to get up and move around...I decided to go to bed relatively early since I figured if it happened I would need to be ready for another 20 hour labor...

Around 12 the contractions were keeping me up...between 1-2 they were 5-15 minutes apart and lasting over a minute...a few were in my back but I didn't think I would have back labor again...at 2am I woke up Tom and told him I thought this was it...I was feeling a ton of pressure and the contractions were getting closer and more painful...from 2-3 we timed them, I couldn't lay down through most of them, they were 5 minutes or less apart and lasting 1.5 minutes...so by 3 we thought we should go in...but I was terrified of being sent home...my water had broken with Holden I thought that would happen again...so we waited till 330 then Tom convinced me this was it and we should go...

Once we got there, they told me I was still 2 cm but now 100% effaced, so something was happening but I needed to progress more before they admitted me...so I walked the halls...the contractions were bearable as long as I was standing, breathing and doing what my book had said...I was also armed with my "labor playlist" it was all worship music...1 hour late I was 3 cm...so again I walked this next hour, it became clear to me that I was going to have back labor again...it was getting increasingly hard to walk, and my contractions were getting worse going right through my back...I got scared then...I knew at that point I would probably need the epidural...when I couldn't walk anymore we went back and I was only a 3.5...but the nurse felt bad for me since I was having back labor she told a little fib to the Dr., telling him I was a 4 and they admitted me...about an hour later...

Once I was admitted they started monitoring the baby, and started my antibiotics...BUT the nurse was fantastic, and had the shower ready in 30 minutes after the antibiotics were done...I LOVED the shower...I could barely stand during the contractions but they were way more bearable...she wanted me to be monitored again in 30 or so minutes so that was all I got...I would have gone back in but I was exhausted...it was 8:45 am when I asked for the epidural...she checked me and I was a 5cm...I was so happy I was so far ahead of where I was in Holden's birth...My water was still intact, and I was doing ok...after the epidural was in, I was already a 7...I questioned whether I would have made it the rest of the way without it, but it didn't matter now...and after watching the monitor for the last 2-3 hours of labor, I am glad I didn't fully experience those contractions in my back!

The epidural was a way better experience this time as well...I was progressing well still and somewhere between 8-9 cm my water broke, and we were on our way! Pushing of course went as it does:-) It was hard work, but I got to be upright and the nurse really helped me and listened to my wishes:-)

After waiting through a few horrible contractions the Dr finally arrived and Daniel came out in one final push! The Dr. let Tom tell the room what the sex of the baby was, and he got to cut the cord...two things we missed before...So Daniel was finally here! We were SO excited! We knew that God had given 2 boys for a reason! YAY!

So with a comment like, "you like to make boys" and a handshake the Dr. was gone, and Daniel was at my breast:-) The nurses just gave him right to me and helped us get started...it was the experience I wanted, every aspect was positive, Thank you Jesus...my prayers were answered, and no I will never have the fully "natural" birth I wanted but I was able to let it all go and enjoy fully this awesome experience!

I was smitten from the beginning!

I had to include this pic...looks like a great family shot, oh wait, we have TWO SONS, not a daughter:-) I guess MJ wanted in on the family shot, and Holden was still home with grandma:-)

1 comment:

Staci said...

What a great story! I had to laugh at that last pic. I took a double take when I saw MJ there! lol