Saturday, December 03, 2011

12.03 DPP 2011

the kiddos, minus Daniel, aka Mr. Grumpy Pants!

Today was "tree hunting" day!  Last year we came out to cousin Carrie and Jeremy's house, which is on what used to be a tree farm.  It was so fun, and convenient and free:-)  SO we came out again.  As we were headed home, Tom and I talked of how blessed we are.  We have amazing kids, and his family lives so close.  I grew up in my own great family, and married into a great family, I will forever be thankful for that.  In this time in my life I cherish the fact that big family events, are easy, comfortable and familiar.  It's something I took for granted before, and honestly never even thought about, but now I thank God that this is who we are and we are blessed.

The tree is now up, and lit...Holden is dying to put the ornaments up, he says that is his favorite part!

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