Sunday, January 08, 2012

Project 365 | Week 1

I decided to try my hand at Project 365, knowing if I am to succeed it will be filled with mostly pictures from my phone, but I would love to capture a special moment, funny moment, or just a moment each day. I think I will post them here weekly.

 Starting the year out right coffee with my boys:)

Today our pastor shared this passage to start our meeting. I felt as if God was speaking directly to me through the words of Galatians 6.

Some days I love it that Tom is willing to cook whatever I planned for dinner:).

Tonight Holden begged to take a shower...Daniel never being a fan of showers wasn't sure, but 5 minutes into Holden being in the shower Daniel HAD to get in. Water is often a peacemaker, and a calm in storms for our kids...bad days are always made better with baths or showers. Today was a good day so it was icing on the cake:-)

This is what we spend hours doing while Holden is away. Daniel is always asking me, "Peas will you pay yegos wi me?" How could I say no!?

Tonight we went to our friends for dinner and canasta! Holden informed before we got there he was going to wear this spiderman costume the whole time he was there...and he did!

Today we celebrate a precious little girls birthday, SO I made her a crown. What little girl 
doesn't NEED a crown? She is a princess of the Most High King!

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