Sunday, March 24, 2013

iPhone Tales : 12

Remember all those lemons?  Well some of them are becoming limoncello!

Daniel helping himself to some cheese:-)  Love the one slipper on one slipper off!

Not going to lie...This IS hard work!  I dug a hole to put a root barrier in so I could plant some hops without any guilt!  I planted it on the fence line so it could trellis on the fence...but I don't want the neighbor to hate me so...

This is why it was so hard, PURE SOLID clay!

THIS makes car rides with him SO quiet!  I'm not kidding, as soon as he gets into the car he gets SO engrossed!  The only hard part is getting him out of the car when we get to our destination!

Homemade Apple Water Kefir, and store bought Milk Kefir.  At least his little tummy should feel good:-)

My first try at Hard Cider using Kefir grains!

"The house will go there..."

Not too shabby.  We looked at this lot before we headed out of town!

Off for a camping weekend to celebrate Daddy's birthday!

On the way home we visited this house.  We loved the property 5 years ago, still do today.  It's on the market!  It may become ours...or maybe not!

Thinking of buying a house makes you want/NEED to finish those to do lists.  EVEN if you still have lingering vertigo, AND the job is WAY up there!  What are you to do?

Why make your wife belay you as you hang from the chimney of course!  Isn't that EVERYONES solution?

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