Wednesday, September 13, 2006

SLO Times...

Well we made it! Actually the trip went great! We are now suffering the aftermath of it though! Apparently adjusting to being home is harder on the little guy than the trip was! Unfortunately we were supposed to head to SLO again for another wedding of some great friends...but this trip has just been too hard on us we decided we couldn't do it! Bummer!

SLO was so nice...I wish we could live there again! But housing cost too much and jobs are scarce and pay too little...One thing we realized was the church we attended is definitely a college age church...most of our friends have gone, and we were among the older crowd...

I wish I could post great pics of SLO but alas, we did not take too many! I know we are the right is a pic of Holden all ready for can't see it but his shoes are red robeez with monkeys on them:-)

Last night we put Holden in his crib to sleep (he had been sleeping in our room) and lo and behold when he woke up at 430 am Mocha was in there keeping watch over him like a good big sister! She is so funny...I think when she finally realized he wasn't going to go away she decided she should protect him! So cute!
Well Holden calls so I better get going! Posted by Picasa

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