Sunday, August 09, 2009

Holden and Daniel meet Miss A...

Um...Of course I forgot to take pictures of the actual meeting...
Holden has been talking about meeting MJ's little sister since she was born, finally we were all well and they were able to come over...

She slept most of the time of's hard work being so little and trying to catch up, when you weren't even due yet!

Daniel wasn't impressed and Holden was more interested in playing with MJ...Daniel just wanted to be held...he's pretty new too! One week only...which makes Miss A 2 weeks:-)

The Grands got in on the double holding action...

It was typical family dinner...hanging out the kiddos enjoying each other (older ones) and just fun times...I love having them so close!

MJ showed us her dance moves...

Miss A showed us some moves too;-P

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